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Laser for stretch marks

Nivelación conseguida con láser de CO2 fraccionado con técnica manual 8 meses posterior a una sesión.
Leveling achieved with fractionated CO2 laser with manual technique 8 months after a session.

red stretch marks

Recent stretch marks will show changes in the presence of increased blood vessels in a process similar to the healing of tension wound closure. 

Changes include symptoms such as scratching which in turn increase local trauma. 

Ablative lasers such as the CO2 laser will not lead to improvement in this stage of stretch marks. 

The use of creams can relieve symptoms but they do not collapse the blood vessels.

Once the redness stops, the resulting skin will show linear depressions.

In the process of all this evolution there are many actions that can be taken.

In principle, the Fraxel® 1550 laser is the most used at this stage.

It is the one that has the greatest capacity both to remodel fibrosis and to control the increase in vascular networks inaccessible to other types of lasers.  

Fraxel para estrías rojas

Superficial stretch marks

Old stretch marks that preserve at least 50% of the thickness of the unaffected skin and generally, with varying degrees of loss of skin color.

The laser used in these cases will cause inflammation, which will provoke a response that can level out according to the time of evolution of the stretch mark and the sublevel that exists.

In principle, treating old and sublevel stretch marks through controlled inflammation and the application of topical or injected biostimulators will create greater patient loyalty to the therapy, as long as an attractive relationship with the results is created.   

Evolución temprana de tratamiento de estrías con láser y ácido hialurónico
Evolution 5 and 8 months after the combined management of Fraxel and Sunekos 200 in the treatment of stretch marks on the thighs

Cases with greater unevenness will require more applications and a greater frequency of sessions. Since, the greater the damage to the tissue, the inflammation will last longer and its results will never be more complete. 

Prolonged inflammation will lead to hyperpigmentation in darker skin therefore must be sustained and controlled. 

láser de CO2 para tratar estrías

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