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Scars treated with dermabrasion

cicatrices tratadas con dermoabrasión láser

Atrophic scars with very defined edges usually only improve until they are leveled by laser vaporization.

Cicatriz atrófica de la cara tratada con dermoabrasión láser

The procedure is a dermabrasion that allows the surgeon to polish very small areas.

Dermabrasions can cause prolonged redness that can take months to resolve; they are usually easily camouflaged but are sometimes quite unsightly:

cicatrices tratadas con dermoabrasión láser

However, in some skin types where the tolerance of a dermabrasion is not going to be accepted, we have had surprising results with the Fraxel 1550 ® laser.

Eliminación de cicatriz atrófica con láser Fraxel
Effect of Fraxel laser on an atrophic scar where the initial remodeling effect was maintained one year after the session

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