(57601) 530-2682(57601) 530-1773(57601) 610-3137
Appointments: +573144724034
Appointments: +573144724034Phones: (57601) 530-2682 –(57601) 530-1773 – (57601) 610-3137
It is necessary to have more frequent hair removal sessions at the beginning of laser or electrolysis treatments, as complaints…
Let’s talk about the bad results of electrolysis hair removal. Unlike laser hair removal, electrolysis does not act on the…
We present a summary of the clinical studies carried out at Unilaser Médica, which have led us to the following…
Pseudofolliculitis is a common disease. Shaving or waxing causes inflammation. Pseudofolliculitis affects the most superficial portion of the hair follicle….
Facial hair removal can have disappointing results. Several studies in our centre have shown us that laser hair removal on…