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He time that takes time a vaporization laser in scar

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How long it takes for healing is one of the most frequently asked questions by patients.

Broadly speaking, it depends on the following factors:

  • The area of ​​the injury to be treated
  • The depth of dermabrasion
  • The instrument used
  • Postoperative care
  • The treated area
  • Health status
  • Regeneration capacity
  • Infection

This case illustrates a vaporization of a 2-millimeter lesion located in the upper vermilion. The upper photos correspond to the intervention and the lower photos show the leveling on day 15 and two years after the session.

The space occupied by the mass was replaced by fibrous tissue on day 15, and the late reorganization of the skin left no sequelae, avoiding an intervention with incision.

The larger diameter of this mole left a bump with erythema on day 15 in the same patient as in the previous example. The final photo shows complete flattening with restoration of the most superficial dermis, which completely restores the dermal papillae. Photo taken at year 2. This result is a consequence of the less damage suffered by the skin with a microscope-guided Erbium:YAG laser shaving technique. 

Note that the charring appearance is limited to a diameter of 1 millimeter where bleeding is controlled with the CO2 laser. 

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