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Radiation infrared and effects in the fur


Infrared radiation is generated by any body with a temperature greater than -273 ° Celsius and is perceived by humans as heat from 37 °C. We use infrared light to see objects in the dark, in our TV controls, to recognize the temperature of things, in therapeutic lights and lasers.

radiación infrarroja dibujo
We release heat from our metabolic reactions in infrared waves. Infrared light surrounds us and interacts with us.

ondas infrarojas
Most of the light we receive is infrared (54.3%). 

The heat produced by the flame transmits movement to the water, which in turn transmits it to a piston, which ends up generating electricity.

Heat is energy. 

Heat is the expression of the vibrational movement of the molecules that make up things. It reaches us through waves that are generated due to the agitation that displaces electric fields forming waves in the infrared spectrum.

ondas infrarrojas
When the waves reach our skin, they deliver the vibrational energy they carry.
There are three types of infrared light frequencies. The infrared spectrum begins with the red color. The lights closest to the visible spectrum are used in wireless controls and also for night vision in video cameras that show green images. The lights farthest from the red color are observed revealing the temperature of objects as illustrated in the following video. ).


The absorption of infrared light by water increases linearly from near-red wavelengths to the far infrared end. Water in the environment and in our bodies disperses energy through its oxygen-hydrogen bonds. Water absorbs heat.


When we have lasers in the near infrared spectrum, the absorption effects of color are more evident, as well as visible light, water is transparent for lasers such as Nd-YAG and it is the skin pigments, melanin and hemoglobin, which capture it, observing a rapid increase in temperature. For lasers such as carbon dioxide, water absorbs it and evaporates at sufficient powers. For mid-spectrum lasers, penetration into the skin is lower because absorption by water is already significant. 

The darker and more pronounced elements that the skin contains capture the laser light better, the hairs conserve energy better because they have less water, vascular dilations are not as easy because they are surrounded by water and oxidants. 

For a material to catch fire, it will always require fuel, a lighter or oxidizer and an increase in temperature. On the skin, the infrared laser will be absorbed by a mixture of water and oxidizers (oxygen-hydrogen-carbon) according to a temperature. Radiofrequency will transmit electrons to any material that comes into contact with a flow of electrons and can be transmitted by water. Its control is achieved by managing the intensity and not with water. The heat generated by the laser can be compensated with water.

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