Laser rejuvenation
Laser evens skin tone and regenerates it, providing a younger, more radiant appearance.
Laser Facial rejuvenation
- Specific types of lasers target skin tumors and red veins with precision.
- The use of microscopy and photographic monitoring further enhances accuracy and treatment control.
- Continuous use of fractional lasers helps maintain healthy and firm skin
Laser For young skin
- Reduce spots and dilated veins.
- Maintain a smooth and even texture.
- Remove persistent comedones.
- Eliminate small benign tumors.
- Preserve skin firmness.
Laser For Mature Skin
- Remove spots and dilated veins.
- Improve skin surface.
- Vaporize tumor formations.
- Control photoaging.
- Reduce skin laxity.
Rejuvenate the face without surgery
The goal of a “non-surgical facelift” is to strengthen the skin, achieving quick and safe results through two main approaches:
Improving the skin’s surface:
- Laser treatments remove aged skin cells, reduce spots and lesions. The maximum zone of skin renewal activity is superficial, accessible only to laser treatment. This is where the highest concentration of fibroblasts is found—the cells responsible for producing new collagen and elastin. By removing aged cells, only the new, more active cells are left to produce collagen and elastin, enhancing skin texture and radiance.
Increasing skin thickness:
- The combination of regular laser treatments and biostimulators strengthens the skin, improving its density and firmness by stimulating collagen and elastin production.
It is important to note that a non-surgical facelift does not replace:
- Surgery for correcting pronounced cheeks.
- Surgical correction for significant neck sagging.
Facial Rejuvenation Methods without surgery
How the results appear with laser, hyaluronic acid and Botox:
Día 7 Youlaser- Kiara
Facial remodalation with hyaluronic acid.
Botox effect on facial static and dynamic wrinkles
Some frequently asked questions
Fillers with hyaluronic acid: Dermal fillers with hyaluronic acid can be for hydration, contouring or leveling surfaces. The hydration ones have a shorter duration. The longest lasting ones are called “reticulated” and can last between 6 to 24 months.
Botulinum Toxin: The effects of botulinum toxin arrive between 3 to 5 months. After this time, the muscles gradually regain their function.
The laser: They depend on completing two stages. The first clean and the second maintain. Fractional lasers must cover cumulative percentages greater than 100% to provide longer lasting changes.
In general, most patients require between 3 and 10 sessions to achieve the best results with fractionated lasers. Each session is generally performed with an interval of 1 to 4 weeks and percentages between 2 and 8% are tolerated.
Femilift® Alma Fractional CO2 Laser : It is a laser that leaves small scabs in comfortable densities to cause skin elongation with prompt recovery.
Fraxel ® Laser : Fraxel ® lasers are fractional lasers that do not leave visible scabs.
- Youlaser® (Quanta): Combines in the same shot two lasers, the CO2 laser and a 1540 nanometer diode very close to the wavelength of Fraxel® (1550 nanometers).
- Milenium 450®: Blue laser to specifically treat spots, venous dilations and small tumors.
Ablative lasers : Ablative lasers such as CO2 or erbium lasers cause a “controlled wound” to the skin to stimulate new collagen production and skin regeneration. Immediately after treatment, the skin may be red and slightly swollen, and there may be slight bleeding or crusting. After a few days, the skin will peel off the microscabs.
Non-ablative lasers : Non-ablative lasers, such as the Fraxel® laser, cause less damage to the skin’s surface. After treatment, you may experience redness and mild swelling, similar to a sunburn. They do not generate scabs.
Recovery time after laser treatment can vary widely, depending on the type of laser used, the density of coverage and the depth. Here are some general estimates:
Ablative lasers : They usually have a recovery period between 1 to 3 weeks for the skin to heal on the surface. Redness may persist for several months when slightly deeper lesions are removed.
Non-ablative lasers : They have low depth and therefore are not used for lesions with elevation unless the surface to be treated is too large to treat with ablative lasers. They can be used by counting a greater number of sessions in high concentration.
Fractional lasers, as their name indicates, cover percentages of treated skin in general. In one session, from 0.5% coverage to 20% can be administered. By accumulating sessions, greater, more permanent changes are achieved after covering more than 150% in less than 3 years. In rejuvenation, you must continue with maintenance sessions every 3 to 6 months.
The decision between laser and intense pulsed light (IPL) is made according to the density of the lesions, their color, and skin type. Very light lesions will not respond well to pulsed light at safe powers. Different laser techniques are needed for these types of injuries. It has also been observed that the effect of pulsed light is usually shorter.
Regular exercise: Exercise, particularly strength and resistance training, can help tone muscles and improve the overall appearance of your skin.
Healthy eating: Maintain a balanced diet.
Proper hydration: Drink enough water and keep your skin well hydrated with oils by eliminating soap for the bath. On the face and fold areas, use cleansers without detergents.
- Laser to replace the skin
- Hyaluronic acid to hydrate
About skin tightening...
Tightening sagging facial skin is possible through non-surgical facial rejuvenation methods.
On the forehead, between the eyebrows and eyelids, botulinum toxin gives a tightening effect as rest folds disappear.
It is also possible to open your gaze a little by relaxing the eyebrow depressor muscles, maintaining the maximum possible motility of the frontal muscle to elevate it.
The delineation of the contours is the framework for creating the tightening effects on the cheek. This is now possible with fillers that perform better at somewhat more superficial application levels, while maintaining depth.
As for direct methods for the skin, all known systems will use variable degrees of control that ultimately involve releasing heat and in general, it is impossible to achieve force vectors similar to surgical ones.
Most equipment uses ultrasound and radiofrequency sources of various types which create variable degrees of denaturation of the skin’s constituent proteins. Months later, modest results are obtained that do not end up convincing the majority of plastic surgeons to stop performing rhytidoplasties. Nor are they an alternative to the effects that were previously achieved – with great risks – through deep chemical or laser dermabrasions.
Nor did the application of threads prove to be non-invasive and risk-free.
Recover skin elasticity
Skin elasticity refers to its ability to stretch and return to its original shape after being pulled, compressed or deformed.
It is a key characteristic of the skin that is determined by the presence and organization of elastic fibers, such as elastin, in the dermal layers.
Scientific research on elastin and its regeneration is an active field, but is still in the early stages.
The only existing evidence comes from methods that activate the new formation of fibroblasts, the maker of collagen and elastin.
Fibroblast stimulation can be done by many methods, laser, hyaluronic acid and growth factors (Esoxomas).
What is skin firmness?
The firmness of the skin is evaluated with digital pressure, perceiving the ability to maintain its resistance.
It is the best sign to evaluate the true restitution of skin structures with fractionated lasers.
The skin may feel softer to the touch without obvious signs of aging. It may also feel firm with clear signs of photodamage. And even sagging skin could be firm.
In general, all methods that temporarily cause some inflammation will give a greater sensation of hardness, due to the temporary accumulation of water.
The decrease in the number of senescent cells is what causes more permanent changes when high percentages have accumulated with fractionated lasers.
Can porosity increase with age?
Skin porosity refers to notice “pores,” which are actually notice more hair follicles without hair.
The umbilicate shape of the “pores” is conditioned by the relative size of the sebaceous gland in relation to the structures that surround the hair follicle unit.
With age, the loss of the collagen structures that support the skin makes the sebaceous glands more prominent in some areas such as the cheekbones, forehead, chin and cheeks.
It also happens that the skin tends to have greater porosity due to the increased thickness of the stratum corneum.
When does laser resurfacing not improve quickly?
Some reasons why laser resurfacing may not improve quickly include:
- Extensive sun damage: A marked presence of venous dilations, spots and tumors is not possible to manage in a few sessions. The solution is to take plans of between 1 and 3 years to achieve the desired results.
Inappropriate technique or type of laser: The choice of the type of laser and its sequence is essential to obtain good results.
Underlying health conditions: Some underlying medical conditions can affect the skin’s response to laser resurfacing.
What is laser rejuvenation like for men?
More and more men in Colombia are taking proactive measures to maintain and improve their appearance through non-invasive treatments at laser clinics such as Unilaser Médica.
Areas such as the scalp may be consulted due to the persistence of actinic keratosis.
On the face and body, seborrheic keratoses are the most frequently consulted.
The loss of facial contour is another common need often ignored by men because they little notice it.
Muscle blockage in the upper third of the face due to a permanently furrowed brow or “crow’s feet” wrinkles is another common complaint.
Laser treatment for age spots (Poikiloderma)
This condition can be quite uncomfortable for sufferers due to its appearance and sometimes the burning sensation that can accompany it.
Laser Vascular Therapy
Milesman 445: This is a vascular laser used for visible vessels that form bunches in the skin. It has an immediate effect and leaves very few scabs after the procedure. It can also be used to remove small warty lesions often present in areas with poikiloderma.
Primelase 1064: Uses more penetrating light for more dilated vessels that do not respond to lasers similar to Milesma 445.
Fraxel 1550: Acts in several ways. It can coagulate the smallest vessels in a fractional way and also by promoting skin formation in periods of 4 to 6 months, the new skin will prevent more vessels from continuing to dilate.
Treatment of lip wrinkles
Lip wrinkles and loss of volume are common problems we deal with as we age.
However, there are a variety of treatments available to combat these signs of aging. Hyaluronic acid in lips
It is essential to compare this combination with other treatments:
Laser and radiofrequency to flatten folds
Dermal fillers with hyaluronic acid: They can hydrate and improve the texture of the entire upper and lower lip unit.
Risks of Deep Dermabrasion on the Lips
Laser dermabrasion is a procedure that can be very effective in treating various skin imperfections. However, it does not improve dynamic wrinkles. Today it is limited to very specific techniques.
Complications can be:
Infection: Any procedure that breaks the skin can open the door to possible infections.
Scars and skin pigment changes: Hyperpigmentation and Hypopigmentation: Deep dermabrasion can lead to scar formation.
Hyperpigmentation can take years to fade.
Hypopigmentation is the end result.
Alteration in Sensitivity: Dermabrasion causes an alteration in the sensitivity of the skin.
Benefits of Laser in the Treatment of Actinic Keratosis
Actinic keratosis is a precancerous skin condition that manifests itself through small scaly or rough areas on the skin, commonly caused by prolonged sun exposure.
The combined use of the laser and the progressive application schemes of 5-Fluoracil gives the benefits of tolerance and definition of the treatment.
Identifying Age Spots and Tumors: Seborrheic Keratoses, Fibroids, Lentigos, Red Spots and White Spots.
- Seborrheic Keratoses: These are benign growths that often appear on sun-exposed areas such as the face, neck, chest and back. Its appearance can be light to dark brown, with a rough or warty surface.
2. Fibroids: Also known as soft fibromas or pendulous fibromas, they are small skin bumps that tend to appear in areas of friction such as the neck, armpits and groin. They are completely benign, but can be annoying.
3.Lentigos: Commonly known as “age spots” or “sun spots,” they appear on areas of the skin exposed to the sun.
4. Red Spots: Officially known as cherry angiomas, they are small red spots that are the result of dilated blood vessels in the skin. They usually appear after the age of 30 and are considered a normal part of aging.
It is interesting the coincidence of three very common types of skin lesions that increase over the years: Seborrheic Keratoses, Ruby Nevus and Loose Fibroids.
You will almost always find three lines of exuberant tissues accompanied and together: The epidermal, which are keratoses, the dermal, which corresponds to loose fibromas, and the vascular, ruby nevus.
The white spots. (Guttate hypomelonasis, droplet depigmentation): They resemble the structure of a lentigo without pigment.
Laser and Radiofrequency Treatment for Vascular Skin Lesions: Benefits and Advantages
Vascular skin lesions, including spider veins, rosacea and cherry angiomas, venous lakes of the lip can cause discomfort and affect your confidence in your appearance.
How to remove spots on the face?
Tanned skin will be completely altered by sun damage and the reversal of the process will take years to resolve. What is often observed is the presence of many dilated vessels and accumulations of pigment in spots that add up; atrophic changes complete the picture.
The frequency of facial rejuvenation treatments
It is a frequently asked question, how long does therapy last?
But we all understand better when we look for more concrete results.
As for the laser, the possibility of fractioning avoids increasing the intensity of the session.
For this, there are trends between people who want more definitive changes and those who do not want to take risks or incapacitate themselves.
The sessions can be tailored to each of these requirements.
Cell renewal changes peak after three months, as long as coverage of at least 20% is achieved.
Yes, a 20% cell replacement implies removing 20% of the skin and therefore, a 20% improvement.
Establishing these percentages is the most objective way to approach it.
Botulinum toxin has periods of duration of effect between 4 and 5 months, it is usually replaced every 6 months.
Hyaluronic acid has a very wide range. For hydration every month. For volumes between one and two years.
What is the cost of rejuvenation treatment?
The cost of rejuvenation treatments is an important factor to take into account, but each person has very defined indications.
It is essential to do your research and compare the available options to find one that fits your budget.
The cost of rejuvenation treatments is a personal decision.
In more concrete terms, there are usually several situations:
- Mild facial rejuvenation
- Medium facial rejuvenation
- Advanced non-surgical facial rejuvenation.
By “mild” we will refer to the most common situation that generally includes botulinum toxin, laser and low quantity fillers. The average cost in this situation is 9 million pesos.
In a medium range, more fillers and lasers are generally applied and sessions of 15 million pesos can be reached.
In a more advanced case, we are talking about profiling and filling situations through a greater amount of hyaluronic acid. There are also cases of a greater need for laser sessions for a period of at least one year. In these situations the cost can reach more than 24 million pesos.
Facial rejuvenation
- Remove warts, sebaceous hyperplasias, keratosis, veins and age spots.
- Improve skin texture.
- Reduce deep folds.
- Soften contours.
- Fill sinkholes.
Body skin rejuvenation
- Eliminate seborrheic keratoses.
- Treat aging hands.
- Combat sagging and redness of the neck. Reduce neckline stains.
- Reduce wrinkles and folds in the crotch, elbows and knees
Unilaser Medical
Laser center in Bogotá, Colombia
- Cra. 13 # 93-67 Of 104, Bogotá, Colombia
- +57 314 4724034
- Mon - Fri : 8:30 - 17:00 | Sab 08:30 - 15:00