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Scars of the acne treated with lasers ablatives and subablatives

Respuesta a la nivelación con dermoabrasión láser y seguimiento con láseres fraccionados

Adrian Rios

Irregular acne scars require dermabrasions to level them

Tratamiento ablativo y subablativo de cicatrices en boxscars
Acne scars initially treated with Erbium-YAG laser dermabrasion and in the following month complemented with Fraxel 1550 laser sessions to maintain “de-memorization” of the scar


The scars after dermabrasion regress very quickly, almost immediately reappearing after the erythema disappears. In this case, the subablative laser was started from the first month and subsequently, more subablative lasers in the course of the year following the dermabrasion, not allowing a complete reappearance of the scar.

Acne scars treated with ablative and subablative lasers over a one-year period

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