Laser is used to remove warts on the neck because it causes less inflammation and allows all lesions to be treated as long as it is used under a microscope.
We usually call “warts” the set of many skin lesions that appear on the skin of the neck such as seborrheic keratosis and loose fibromas. In reality, some are made of keratin and others of fibrous tissue.

The origin of these lesions is not clear. The exuberance of fibrous tissue, which would correspond to the most superficial or frankly warty part of the dermis, which is part of the epidermis, suggests a local disorder of reprogramming of the natural replacement of two very active layers of the skin.
It is observed in some medical conditions such as overweight and diabetes more frequently. The laser allows the removal of all lesions observable under a microscope, those that are touched but not seen and that can, after manipulation, grow a little faster. In cases of frequent procedures in years of rejuvenation, there is less recurrence of lesions, less… not total, as they tend to reappear.